Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 1

Side Note:  I am not a blogger so there will be no witty,cutesie posts here.  Just facts resources and my personal experiences.

I am tired of being sick and tired!  I randomly came across a documentary called Food Matters which has both motivated and inspired me.  It finally explains why my body is "freaking" out!  Let me elaborate and explain a bit:

Like I stated before, I am not a blogger but I wanted to keep a record of my journey to health and to hopefully help others.  In order to understand what this is about, I have to start with what is both my ailment and inspiration.  I have suffered my entire life with, what I thought was, strange reactions in my body.  Migraine's, hives, rashes, eczema, extremely dry skin, fatigue, horrible stomach pains, constipation and now nails pealing, hair falling out, and patches of dry skin on my face.  I have been to Dr's all of my life that have not given me any concrete answers only theories.  This has motivated me to take matters into my own hands and started my own research. What I have discovered is that I think that I suffer from an autoimmune/thyroid dysfunction.  This runs in my family and I have watched as my sister, who suffers from this with even more severe symptoms than myself, go from Dr to Dr with little to no answers on how to treat her.  Their solution is medicate or surgically remove her thyroid.  We are not satisfied with either of these options because nothing else has been tried yet and they are not even completely confident that this is the problem.
I have always felt that food plays a large role in what is upsetting my body but thought that I am a relatively healthier eater.

SOOOOO after seeing this documentary I am ready for a change. It was a real eye opener and I don't think that I will ever see food in the same way again.  What to do first?
Step 1: buy my juicer                       check
I bought the Breville Juicer and it is awesome, seriously.  Now I don't know anything about juicing, yet, but this thing is amazing (to me).


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