Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 2 Detox - Day 3

My night from day one was fine.  Day 2, woke up and made my hot lemon water again and took the children to school.  When I got home I made my Kale recipe and that was my breakfast.  I tried to keep water around all day and sipped on it whenever I thought about it.  About 2 hours later I made a beet juice recipe.  After about an hour, I had a small handful of cashews.  I continued to drink water.  I made a green tea in the afternoon.  Then I juiced again for dinner.

I am not being descriptive because I just don't have the time lol but I posted some great websites where you can get the information.

I will say though that day 2 was no biggy for me and I think it was because I eased my self into this for several weeks before.  For several weeks I tried to eat very healthy, a.k.a very little meat, no fast food, little caffeine....... 

Day 3 went about the same for me but before bed I had a "Smooth Move" before bed because I was not going #2 on the toilet during this cleanse like I was hoping for.  Smooth Move is an organic tea that you can get at your local grocery store or pharmacy.  It is actually good tasting too. 

Back to day 3:  I was fine, a little hungrier than the days prior but I read all the warnings (which I listed in my blog) which said that you may be tired, irritable, hungry, skin may break out, and other symptoms.  I experienced this a little but not bad.  DON'T STOP however, if you do experience this keep going anyway.  Everyone says day 3 is the hardest so just make it through it and day 4 you are supposed to really start to feel the benefits of the cleanse.

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